Deadmau5 Sends Out Open Letter To Save Sea Animals!


Ok so we’ll keep it short. Joel aka Deadmau5, a Niagara Falls native recently posted the following open letter on Tumblr. The letter is addressed to Marineland Canada whom have been facing protests for the sea animals they hold in captivity.


The protests that have been carrying on for years now recently became known worldwide. Here’s what the mau5 had to say:

“Deer [sic] Marineland,
you know what i would do if i were you? just get rid of the animals… (not that kinda chainsaw and plastic tarp “get rid of”) but like, you know, find an amicable solution to getting rid of the animals so that PETA and all the niagara falls crusaders will get off your lawn with their fuckin signs n shit. I’m sure they wont give up anytime soon, because they don’t realize that signs and shit and “awareness” doesnt really do fuck all… which is why youre still able to pen these animals up…. whatever.
Just speaking from a spectator point of view, if im driving by on my way to my own personal crusades, im not likely going to pull over, get mad and kick heads in. Ill just say “oh look, protestors” and carry about my business.
But heres me just looking in at your shitty situation from my end… like i said, i’d just lose the fucking animals… and even if it pissed you off because you lost an asset or whatever, or potential profit from “tourists” n shit… look at what you have to gain? Youd win the entire EVERYTHING if you released a statement promising the closure of your animal pens and aquariums. That “good guy” PR would reach worldwide fuckin acclaim…. shit, even SeaWrold (who arent any fucking better by a longshot) would be like… ‘OH SNAP’ and probably forcing them into action. You’d be a fuckin world hero… and it would probably cost you the x million dollars of investments you had to spring out on fucking whales n shit and upkeep (cant imagine it would be cheap)
but hey fucknut, heres what you do… just take a fucking hit, and do it. Because, stupid, youre STILL sitting on a fucking shitload of acreage thats a theme park…. with rides and shit. WHO THE FUCK DOESNT GO TO THEMEPARKS DUMBASS? Magic mountain doesnt have 1/2 dead wales n half dead deer… do i spend a buck or 300 every year to go there? FUCK YES.
Like i said, i dont know how much it costs to keep a huge fuckin fish in a huge fucking tank, but i kinda have a good idea how much a rollercoaster costs and im sure its pretty compareable….
so from a moral and business standpoint, in my opinion, stop being a fucking bunch of morons and just do the right thing. what are you fucking broke? no. It’s a brilliant idea / long game and a hell of an investment…. but youll make youre return… receive worldwide attention for your acts of valor… even tho you needed to be pressured into it anyway, and my personal facebook timeline wont be full of shit about how shitty you are.
thats it.
believe me, if i had the kind of money you’d want to buy your shit operation out, i’d do it myself in a heartbeat… and im probably not far off, so you might wanna hop on this shit.
– Joel Zimmerman”

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