Best Casino Movie Soundtracks

best casino movie soundtracks

So many movies have been set in casinos down the years, yet only a select few can be considered real classics of the genre.

One thing that all of the best casino movies have in common is the inclusion of a killer soundtrack.

Whether you enjoy a quality heist movie or something that includes a more detailed plot, it has to be said that casino movies can be incredibly engrossing, and a good musical selection only enhances this.

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In this article, we will dive into some of the best casino movie soundtracks, looking at three of the finest from down the years.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the first entry on our list of the best casino movie soundtracks ever.

Ocean’s Eleven – 2001

Renowned for a ridiculously strong cast that involved names such as George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts, Ocean’s Eleven went down as an instant classic upon release.

Although a remake of an earlier 1960s movie featuring the Ratpack, this 2001 version is now considered the best due to a solid plot, great acting and of course that top soundtrack!

A nod to the original comes in the form of old-school swing from Perry Como, whilst the Philadelphia Orchestra carry much of the movie. Indeed, the soundtrack to Ocean’s Eleven is just as brash as the rest of the movie! Watch the climactic scene at the Bellagio fountains using Debussy’s Clair de la Lune to see how music is best used in movies!

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Casino Royale – 2006

Without a doubt one of the best Bond movies in recent(ish) memory, Casino Royale will forever be remembered for the incredibly intense casino scene featuring Mads Mikkelsen’s delightfully evil villain Le Chiffre.

With the late Chris Cornell and long-time soundtrack composer for bond David Arnold taking care of the music, this film is packed with amazing tunes throughout. Intense yet suave, the soundtrack to this movie is a little bit like Mr. Bond himself!

Casino – 1995

Robert DeNiro at his finest, Joe Pesci at his least restrained and Sharon Stone at her zenith, there’s not much more to be said about Casino and the sheer quality of acting in this modern classic.

We are most concerned with this movie’s stunning music, though, which stands out to this day for its hugely varied character.

By blending the likes of Muddy Waters with Roxy Music, Scorsese has been able to capture the chaos and high-living of golden-age Vegas, as well as the anxieties of DeNiro’s character Ace Rothstein.

At this stage of his career, Scorsese was already a very well established legend of cinema and so we can’t be too shocked at the quality of the song selection in Casino. With that said, the auteur’s ability to blend visual dynamism with musical harmony remains unparalleled in mainstream movies to this day.

Akshay Bhanawat


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