8 Pop Songs Related To Horse Racing That You Would Probably Love

pop songs related to horse racing

Horse racing seems like something no one has ever sung about.

Admittedly, it is not a popular topic many singers will go for without purpose. So, you will not find songs about this activity as much as you will find some about love or emotions, and other mainstream events. Luckily, we found some fantastic pop songs you can listen to while betting online.

When betting online Malaysia , either on horse racing or any other sports events, the right choice of music can put you in the mood and boost your chances of winning. As we all know, betting is related to emotions, and studies have shown music can help with this. While not all music genres will work, pop definitely would.

If you love horse racing and pop music, here are eight melodies you will adore. Some of the tunes on this list might be familiar, while some might be classic gems you have never heard. Regardless, we are confident that our compilation is the best.

1. Camptown Races by Stephen Foster

This melody by Foster is possibly the most famous racing song to exist. You might not know this, but the chances that you have heard this song as a resident of an English-speaking country are pretty high. Foster made the song about the happiness one can find in horse racing, and if you are a lover of the sport, you will be a lover of this tune.

This song was released in 1850 and has had quite a dark past as it was performed in all the wrong places to the wrong audiences. Regardless, it is a memorable tune that you will find yourself immersed in.

2. The Ballad of Ruby Walsh by Christy Moore

As the title suggests, This song is a special dedication to a famed horse jockey Rupert Ruby Walsh. Moore did a great job with this ballad as he celebrated Irish horse racing and gave it the needed recognition.

He did mock some of the essential aspects of the sports, which is entirely wrong. However, this song is just as valid as the writer wasn’t a stranger to the racing scene.

3. Race Day by Dillinger

Race Day by the talented Jamaican reggae artist Dillinger was more of an encouragement for jockeys, the famous George Ho-Sang particularly.

Ho-Sang is famed as one of the best riders Jamaica has ever seen, so it is no surprise that he even got an encouragement tune.

4. The Fix by Elbow

The song by the famous English rock band was viral among punters after its release in 2008. It was in an award-winning album and made it to the top 5 on the UK charts.

5. Where the Turf Meets the Surf by Bing Crosby

When engaging in online sports betting Malaysia or any other part of the world, there will be a very familiar tune that you’ve gotten accustomed to. If you are a bettor at a Californian spot, then you must be familiar with this tune.

That is what this music is to Californians. In the famous Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, every race day starts with this tune, which has been that way since 1937. Certainly, this is already an anthem to Californian bettors.

6. Run for the Roses by Dan Fogelberg

Fogelberg wrote this song as a dedication to Kentucky Derby. In the few minutes of this melody, he spoke about the drama, bravery, and heroics of horses and athletes that one will witness only during a horse race.

7. A Legend in the Game by Frank Lovato Jr.

Frank Lovato was hired to do a simple job of building an Equicizer for the movie Seabiscuit. Call it passion or attraction; something made Lovato write beautiful anthem lyrics in his room in hopes that the anthem would be featured in the film. Unfortunately, it didn’t make the cut.

However, the producers must undoubtedly have had a hard time making that decision as his anthem was glorious as he redefined horse racing with his words.

pop songs related to horse racing

8. Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)? by Peter Sarstedt

After releasing this song for the world to hear in 1969, Sarsdedt spent nothing less than a month topping the charts. Through this song, Sarsdedt told the story of Marie Claire, born into poverty. Despite her situation, she was resilient and was content with what she had.

However, she was among some affluent people, one of whom sent her a racehorse as a gift. Perhaps it was this song’s storyline or melody, but something drew our attention, and we had to listen intently over and over again.


For one reason or another, all of these singers in this list dedicated hours and days of their lives to writing beautiful lyrics about horse racing. When you listen to these masterpieces, you’ll confirm that they all poured their souls into the songs, making them even more melodic. Each mention on this list is a must-listen, and you are guaranteed to fall in love with each the same way we did.

Akshay Bhanawat


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