Close To Monday Release A Decelerated Tune Titled “Together”

close to monday together

There’s a new name on the list, the persistent band Close To Monday are back with a track called “Together”.

Compared to the debut album and their previous release this time, they have taken a new direction. “Together” is a steadily paced track in a hypo-progressive synth pop style. A signature arpeggio and the voice of the band are introduced in the first verse, accompanied by mellow drumming in the background.

The tune progresses towards the end with heavy drums and strings. These parts also amplify the emotions of the singer towards the end of the song. Lyrics play an important role in this one, and the band has written them well. There is an exciting solo melody at the end of the track to conclude the tune.

Listen to the track here:
With “Kripko Spi”, the band’s first release of the year, and their new single, “Together”, the band has already kicked off 2022.

“Together” proves that the band is committed to delivering on its promises.

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Akshay Bhanawat


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