David Guetta Teams Up With MORTEN To Give The Future Rave Treatment To His Sia Collab, “Let’s Love”

david guetta lets love remix

David Guetta and Sia’s original single “Lets Love” got itself a Future Rave makeover and are ready to destroy some quarantine dancefloors.

At this point, it’s safe to say that David Guetta and Morten are joined at the hip. This duo has been producing together since late 2018 and their releases are nothing short of pure excitement.

The Festival season is far from our sight. However, treating ourselves to some festival worthy records is not off permits. This Rave twist on “Let’s Love” is one such record. Give it a listen.

This record employs all the signature sounds from previous Future Rave collaborations. The massive atmosphere, Captivating synths, deep basslines, and an underground arrangement make this record a true floor destroyer. Portraying a rave-like sound while keeping the track mainstream is a grueling task. However, this record makes it look like a walk in the park. David Guetta and Morten successfully traveled back to the late 80s to snatch the sound and redesign it for modern times. The name Future Rave is not only cool but also fitting

Akshay Bhanawat


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