Gardenstate And Above & Beyond’s Paavo Release “Inspirations” Featuring Indian Vocalist Nandini Srikar

gardenstate inspirations

There shouldn’t have been a debut album on Anjunabeats, gardenstate shouldn’t have existed, and we should have stuck to our normal day job. This album is to everyone out there who has been told that ‘you can’t do it.”

Making music on their terms, the “gardenstate’s” sound is a melting pot of ‘90s trance nostalgia, brooding melodic techno, peak-time breaks and poignant songwriting.

Their remixes of A&B and Gabriel & Dresden introduced them to the trance and progressive crowd, while releases on Spectrum Records and Yotto’s Odd One Out have nurtured their underground following.

One of the duo states- “This track started off with us and Paavo jamming in his Finish cottage while an open fire was crackling in the background and the cold November winds were shouting outside. I then later went over to Poland for Christmas and wrote the rest of the track on my sister-in-law’s couch. A few months later Nawed Khan started to talk about the album and I asked him if he could find the best Indian singer for me. With the help of Nikhil Chinapa we then found Nandini Srikar. Nandini probably has one of the best voices I’ve ever heard. A few weeks later she recorded the vocals and I was lucky enough to be on the video call while she recorded it. It was a magical experience to hear her put down those wonderful vocals.”

Akshay Bhanawat


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