Yvng Jalapeño & Ian Munro ft. Cultra – I Don’t Need You

Ian Munro

With a rapidly expanding release catalogue, UZ’s Quality Good Records is showing further intent to put out the most interesting and diverse music possible, while still keeping under the bass music/EDM umbrella.

Adding to this steadily growing catalogue of music is the next single on the label from two highly regarded talents in the scene. “I Don’t Need You” is the meeting of Yvng Jalapeno and Ian Munro’s musical minds and both lay down a big bassy trap number: combining their unique and dynamic skills to great effect, “I Don’t Need You” features the wonderful vocal talent of Cultra, who spices up the track with her searching tones.

Deep bass and jostling synth-lines merge perfectly creating a perfect fusion. “I Don’t Need You” is out in all good digital stores right now, so go and get it now.

Download it here.

Akshay Bhanawat


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