David Guetta and Morten Announce a Special B2B Future Rave DJ Set

david guetta morten future rave

David Guetta and MORTEN came together as Future Rave and have been releasing music together for a while under it. The most recent release was their remix of Guetta and Sia’s track “Let’s Love.”

The two just announced that for the very first time they will be teaming up for a B2B set under this Future Rave project of theirs.

With a unique soundscape to this moniker, MORTEN explained this to EDM.com (https://edm.com/interviews/david-guetta-morten-release-new-rave-ep-interview ) by saying “We are the ones who invented this sound, there’s no doubt about that. There was not this sound before we started making this sound. For me, it’s the best music I’ve ever heard. And we have so much more.”

On October 30, this special B2B set will take place in the 1001 Tracklists awards party for the Top 101 Producers set to be held inside of Minecraft. In a tweet announcing this MORTEN revealed that he will be B2B with David Guetta for the very first time for a Future Rave set. He went on to say there will be “a lot of ID’s” and then followed up with a snippet of sound teasing what to expect.

The Top 101 Producers 2020 event is set to be hosted on Friday, October 30th, and you can RSVP to join the event and check out this special set here.

H/T – EDM.com

Akshay Bhanawat


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