Tomorrowland Shares Promising Update Regarding Hosting 2021 Fall Festival Weekends

tomorrowland 2021 dates

Earlier this year in March, Tomorrowland announced that they would be postponing from their regular July weekends to fall dates for later in the year for Tomorrolwand to be hosted in Boom, Belgium.

In a recent interview with Billboard, the organizers of Tomorrowland had said earlier this month that the beligian government was set to provide more information regarding safety protocols, rules, regulations, and restrictions on May 11, today.

True to that, new sets of healthy and safety rules and regulations were announced by the Belgian government and Tomorrowland was quick to share a positive and promising update with regard to the scheduled 2021 fall festival dates.

The statement shared on the website says, “We are delighted and grateful to hear that the Belgian Government has given a realistic perspective for large festivals in Belgium towards the end of the summer. This perspective is not only hopeful for Tomorrowland as an organization, but also for the more than 1500 suppliers and their staff.”

They went on to say that they will need some time to further study these parameters before they could share concrete details and a new plan, but ended the brief announcement on a positive note saying, “With a combination of vaccination and rapid testing at the door, we believe we can make Tomorrowland a safe place, which so many people have been looking forward to for so long. We will take every measure and guideline very seriously and apply all the right protocols. In the upcoming days, we’ll give further updates about the next steps.”

The festival is currently scheduled to be hosted in its Boom, Belgium home for two weekends this fall.

Weekend 1: August 27, 28 and 29
Weekend 2: September 3, 4 and 5

Read the entire statement on the website here.

While countries like India and Brazil among others are grappling with the aftermath of overwhelming second waves of Covid-19, across large parts of Europe and the United States where large portions of the population are slowly on their way to getting fully vaccinated, governments are beginning to ease restrictions and see a slow and steady return of events in-person.

In the meantime, Tomorrowland has also announced the return of its widely popular digital edition Tomorrowland – Around The World – which will be held on July 16 & 17, 2021 virtually.

Tickets are on sale now.

Melody Siganporia
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