Social media is something that a lot of industries can take advantage of for all the right reasons.
Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have now become a major part in the everyday lives of people, and this means that as a result, they’re particularly useful to all industries in some way. It may be as obvious as to how gaming operators like mFortune incorporate social media in their marketing strategy to promote its bingo service, to Lego which has in excess of 7 million subscribers on its YouTube channel. Social media is, without doubt, the fastest and easiest way to reach an audience. So it is no surprise this has made it ideal for musicians, amongst others, in the modern era.
One of the first things a musician operating today will realise is that while they may create some great music, but creating it is just a part of the process. Musicians need to get their work out there to the masses for it to be successful, and this is where social media platforms come in to play. Whether you’re a relative unknown musician, or even a huge star, paid ads are always worth looking into as when they’re done right, it can really hit the high notes.
What paid ads will do is provide useful insight into the people who are going on to interact with the paid ad, and if this links into Spotify, even better. Once musicians have access to this data, they can then go on to deliver targeted ads and posts aimed at their own specific audience, meaning that their use of social media will be more effective and efficient as a result.
Social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and even Snapchat can also be used to interact with fans, especially with a call to action approach. This could relate to preordering a track, album or even buying tickets ahead of an upcoming gig or tour. Incentives could also be added here too such as offering a predefined number of people who have preordered an album a signed copy, or for a certain group of fans who have bought tickets for an upcoming show to be upgraded to VIP.
There are indeed an endless amount of possibilities when it comes to musicians and social media liking needing to buy real Instagram likes, as exposure is what musicians effectively need more than anything. This is especially if they’re just starting out, and that’s precisely what social media platforms can provide. When you also consider the live services that are now available through Facebook Live, Twitter’s Periscope and YouTube Live, social media has become a game changer in the music industry.
It will come as no surprise that other industries take advantage of social media too. Take the online and mobile casino sectors as a prime example. They often use social media to communicate to players and potential players about the new games and services they have on offer, as well as delivering some great promotions and bonus deals along the way.
Sports betting follows a similar approach, often offering people special offers for signing up in the form of free bets and boosted odds. There’s no doubting that social media is now the number one way to market anything, and this trend looks set to continue for a good few years to come yet.
use social media to promote musicians or bands now seems commonplace, whether just using some or a lot of social media.. but it seems that now all that is still lacking! i think bands and musicians should have their own website, even though it’s not a pro website, because having a website in terms of branding will be much stronger. that is my friend’s band website is simple but functionally everything is clearly informed, so their fans will easily know everything about their activities!