Thank you, Snoop Dogg” Phil Elam’s Artistic Evolution: The Coco Bean Story!


Phil Elam (aka Coco Bean) is back!

Since last hearing from the recording artist, songwriter, actor, filmmaker and producer life has been a non-stop positive affirmation. Here’s a sample of his latest going on….

Dear Snoop Dogg and Adrian (Anno Domini Nation) Boeckeler,

“My name is Coco Bean” and I just wanted to take this time to say “thank you” in this “public-town-square” of sorts.

As we all know, the music-business is a hard and crowded game. It’s a mental grind that is not kind to the weak nor weary. It can be unfair and finite. Despite its “no-guarantee-nature”, however, we artists remain in the race because artistic expression is as essential to living as breathing is essential to life.

The longer one stays in the game it becomes apparent that those who are most successful have gained a deeper insight. That insight is the power of generosity. Snoop Dogg and Adrian I just wanted to publicly say “thank you” for your time, talent and generosity for making the “D-O-Double-G” feature possible on “My Name Is Coco Bean”. (Uncle) Snoop, you didn’t have to do this. We all know that you have nothing to gain by generously giving-game-away. I am soooo grateful to you.

It is my hope to be a productive artist for a very long time. With such a dream as a goal I know that there will inevitably be many ups-and-downs. That being said, I hope to welcome them both with grace and humility. When circumstances are stellar I pray to remember your generosity by looking for ways to pay it forward to those striving to succeed. Likewise, when challenges arise I will also remember how you unexpectedly gave of your time and talent. Your offering of opportunity will always inspire me to keep going and never give up.

Once again, “Thank You.”

Phil Elam (aka Coco Bean)

“My Name Is Coco Bean” (featuring Snoop Dogg) is the first Coco Bean release on DistroKid. Available on all platforms everywhere, ready for an early November reveal.

Phil Elam (aka Coco Bean) also just filmed a role in the upcoming highly anticipated Tracie Laymon film, BOB TREVINO LIKES IT starring John Leguizamo and Barbie Ferreira.


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