10 Essentials When Planning An Outdoor Concert

plan an outdoor concert

Ah, summer! The season of leisure, relaxation, and enjoyment.

Summer is undoubtedly incomplete without a concert to attend, and outdoor concerts, of course, are in a league of their own.

The scenic venues, palpable energy, fantastic performances, and delectable food are some of the lures for most concertgoers. However, while attending concerts is all fun and games, planning and executing them is anything but.

The process of arranging an outdoor concert can be tiring, tedious, and frustrating. Preparing months in advance, getting vendors onboard, and making necessary arrangements is no easy feat. However, if the task is taken up with dedication and focus, a successful event can be pulled off.

When planning an outdoor concert, numerous factors are to be considered and planned for accordingly. Here are 10 essentials to consider when planning an outdoor concert.

1. Find a Suitable Venue

It seems almost silly to suggest this, but it is the most significant part of your event. Before all else, you must first decide the location of your outdoor concert. Do you prefer a scenic locale (perhaps near a lake or grassland)? Is your priority size (how many people will attend)? Do you prioritize nature or infrastructure?

These are all pertinent questions to address when searching for a suitable venue. Not only will this help you narrow down your venue search, but it will also allow you to visualize the kind of event you wish to host and the necessary equipment you will require to hold it.

2. Make Appropriate Arrangements

Outdoor concerts and festivals are not solely about the musical act but the entire experience holistically. The onus is on you to offer a comfortable and enjoyable concert experience. Food, power, and restroom services are essential to keeping attendees happy. Choosing food vendors, getting in touch with power technicians, and arranging festival portable restroom rentals are some of the most basic things you need to take care of.

3. Obtain the Necessary Permits

Once the venue is selected, obtain all the necessary permits to host your event. Holding outdoor events requires getting approval from the relevant governmental bodies through permits. You don’t want your event to be stopped mid-way! Permits warranted could include premises permits for hosting the event on public land, food and beverage permits, or gathering permits indicating how many individuals can assemble at a specific location. The kind of permits you require depends on your locale, so ensure you glean all the relevant information before hosting the event.

4. Hire Vendors

The next step is figuring out the sound, stage setup, and food. Hiring vendors responsible for these amenities will take the burden off you and make hosting the festival a seamless experience. The type of vendors to approach will depend on your demands and how you wish to execute your event.

Food caterers generally require tents, grills, refrigerators, and sufficient space to set up and cook food, as well as keep food warm. It would be in your best interest to arrange catering that can arrange these facilities themselves.

5. Hire Security

Concertgoers are looking for an enjoyable time. They don’t want their experience tarnished by gate crashers or drunk attendees. While indoor events generally have this under control in the form of their personal bouncers and security guards, outdoor events may be slightly more vulnerable.

You must hire sufficient and competent security staff to deal with such matters. Having security will ensure that attendants feel comfortable in the space they inhabit and can thus have a more relaxed and enjoyable time. Additionally, security can ensure only ticket holders can enter the premises, thus keeping the event exclusive and safe.

6. Get Artists Onboard

Whether the concert involves a solo performance or a combination of different musical acts, having artists on board is imperative. Speaking with the artist’s relevant personnel will allow you to determine which artists fit your budget, helping you plan and distribute your budget accordingly.

Make sure to approach your preferred artists well before the event is scheduled to take place. Several artists get booked early on, leaving only mediocre acts available to book.

7. Plan for Attendees

The key to a memorable concert experience is how comfortable the surrounding environment makes you feel. Concert attendees are the customers of the concert, placing their needs above all else. Depending on the weather, specific arrangements to prevent discomfort are necessary. Fans or heaters (depending on the weather) should be arranged so attendees can get some relief if they require it. In case of inclement weather, specific arrangements such as tents, umbrellas, and furniture covers will help.

8. Have Proper Lighting

While concerts aren’t generally the most well-lit events, the surrounding areas should be well-lit. Exit routes, pathways/walkways, and proper signage should all be visible. This is also to offer ease of accessibility to attendees and prevent any unforeseen/dangerous incidents from taking place near or on the concert premises.

9. Have Clean-up Staff

It is highly unlikely that you will find the location in the same state as you found it. Once all is done and dusted, you will require deft staff to disassemble the setup and clean up afterward. Almost any location you book will require you to clean up and restore the premises to their original state. Thus, ensure that these arrangements are available before the start of the event.

10. Market the Event

Marketing may seem like the least important aspect when planning for your event, but in the end, a concert is only successful if there is an audience to perform in front of.

Setting aside a marketing budget before the preparations for the event begin is always a feasible idea. It will ensure that you have significant funds to spend on marketing your concert without falling short on them or using the funds set aside for other components.

Spending smartly and wisely on advertising the event will help in generating enough hype and traction for the event, thus ensuring a higher footfall. Be it a virtual tour of the location, selling artist merchandise, or offering free tickets by entering a competition, there are numerous ways to generate hype for your event.


Ultimately, the success of your outdoor concert is the interplay of all these factors. Ensure that you give yourself time to make said arrangements well in advance before the actual event. Leaving things to the last minute will leave you scrambling to meet your goals, and any concert pulled off with half the effort is not worth any effort at all.


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