9 Things To Talk About: Moodshift

moodshift interview

To celebrate 9 Years Of T.H.E, we caught up with Moodshift to discuss 9 topics, that included their favourite things at the moment!

1. Piazza in Råsunda in Stockholm. Wonderful atmosphere and great pizza. Super close to our studio!

moodshift pizza

2. The burger at Funky Chicken Foodtruck! Probably the best burger in STHLM! Rasmus is obsessed with it!

moodshift burger

3. Cyberpunk. Oliver never shuts up about this game. The rest of us has no idea what the fuzz is all about.

moodshift cyberpunk

4. Running! Lucas is pretty obsessed with running. He’s getting himself ready for his first marathon later this year.

moodshift running

5. Kona beer. Big Wave is our go-to!

moodshift kona beer

6. Oxford Inflator. One of our favourite plugins at the moment, it brings everything to life!

moodshift oxford inflator

7. Rinos Bodega in Älvsjö Stockholm. Our favourite restaurant in STHLM.

moodshift rinos

8. Ableton 11. Finally we can comp vocals the way we like to.

moodshift ableton 11

9. Biceps new album! We think they’re the most inspiring electronic artist at the moment.

Moodshift have released a bevy of remixes today! Check them out below.

Akshay Bhanawat


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