Embarking on a new EP journey, due for release on the first day of the New Year, L.A duo Peppermint Heaven share their long-awaited new single ‘What Are You Waiting For’.
It comes off the back of a string of critically acclaimed remixes from Nu-Disco sensation Mark Lower, and EDM legends DJ Kue (credits include Calvin Harris / Chainsmokers / Madonna) and Chris Cox (credits include Erasure/ Christina Aguilera). The new single sees the synth-pop connoisseurs take a melancholic approach, employing a lower tempo groove to their trademark, funk-rich sound.
Having worked together for decades, musicians Juno & Spark have found their niche in their Peppermint Heaven project. Their unique brand of synth-pop, with a modern indie edge, has bred fan bases all over the globe. Spotify in particular, has proved a fertile platform for their meteoric rise, seeing them smash beyond the 7 million streams mark on the platform. Their new EP, titled ‘New Sensation’, sees the duo bring their distinct 80’s influence to the contemporary music landscape, employing modern production standards to their retro-leaning songwriting.
The new single is rich in their trademark, warm analogue synth layers, with an infectious bassline groove throughout. Lyrically, it’s a track that promotes a message of togetherness, a sentiment that’s more important than ever in the difficult times we all now live.