The Link Between Music & Mental Health

link between music & mental health

Everyone will experience a struggle with their mental health at one time or another, and some individuals might face more challenges than others.

You may have had your heart broken, faced frightening health conditions, experienced burnout at work, or dealt with some other scenario that has left you feeling overwhelmed and lost. Practicing good self-care and trying to better understand mental health are all good places to start if you are having a hard time, but turning to music could also offer a way to help you through tough times. Whether you want to write music and lyrics or just appreciate the talent of other artists, here are some ways that music can benefit your mental health.

Creative Outlet

If you do enjoy writing lyrics and music, this could be a great way to work through your emotions and healthily process these feelings. Not only can this be a good outlet for your emotions, but working on a musical project could also offer a way to take your mind off things and be a positive distraction. Either way, getting creative and writing a new song can be an excellent way to boost your mental health.

Music Can Help Release Dopamine

Dopamine is the hormone in your brain responsible for happy feelings, sometimes referred to as the feel-good or love hormone. Studies have found that listening to music can help to release more dopamine in your brain, particularly if you are listening to a song that you associate with positive memories or has a happy tune. Of course, sometimes listening to sad tunes can have the opposite effect, but the right type of music can influence your mood for the better.

Actively Listening to Music

While hearing a song that reminds you of good times can help to put a smile on your face, there are other ways you can listen to music that can benefit your mental well-being. Actively listening to the music that you are playing rather than using it as a form of background noise could also help you pay closer attention to the sensations of your body when you do this, similar to meditation. This can make you more aware of your emotions and mental well-being and could even help you identify where you carry tension in your body during times of stress. If you are dealing with a lot of pressure right now, read more about why mental health is important to learn healthier coping mechanisms.

It Can Improve Your Focus

You may have also noticed that listening to music can help improve your focus when you are carrying out certain tasks. Classical music, in particular, can be beneficial for students who are trying to study or write essays, and other ambient music can also help you feel more creative when you are working on projects, too.

If you are going through a tough time with your mental health, it’s always important to reach out to loved ones and even seek professional help if you would like this kind of support. You might also find that music can help to boost your mood if you’re having a bad day.


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